PSFA and Charity
Thank you for all your donations
In the last month over 90 parents/carers have donated a wonderfully generous £3,000 to the Bishops PSFA GoFundMe page. A huge amount! Thank you so very much for your support!
The money we have all raised together online will enable further covered spaces to be provided for students who are outside at break and lunchtimes, and further seating areas.
The fantastic amount raised so far has already enabled the School to install some extra table tennis tables and get on with organising permissions and formulating plans for the covered spaces. We have cleared another area on the site this week for a further covered space.
The parents, staff and friends association (PSFA) is very active. There are many fundraising events throughout the year. The PSFA also organise our school prom. Recent events have paid to fund extra strength and conditioning equipment for the school, as well as a soon-to-be installed, triple headed basketball ring.
New Basketball Posts
We have today (10 July 2020) completed the installation of a new basketball post. I am sure you will agree that it looks fantastic, and we cannot wait until the students are able to use it.